Derek Rider
Structural Inspections Lead/Master Survivalist

Derek is a firm believer that any obstacle can be conquered or problem rectified with equal parts thought and communication. Maybe it’s from his time in the Marines (oohrah!) or maybe he was born with it. He’s pretty much unstoppable when it comes to complicated projects (and he’s never met a stranger).

As far as favorite projects go, Derek is always motivated to work on school projects. He really enjoys taking a hands-on approach to any problem-solving process, so it’s no surprise that he found his way to a career as a structural inspector.

When not at the office, this newlywed likes to spend time outdoors hiking and playing golf. In fact, next time you run into him, ask him about his golf game or his favorite whiskey. And if you ever want to bring him lunch, he’s always hungry for bratwurst and uncommon wild game!


Hiking and spending time outdoors

Favorite Travel Destination:

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming